Thursday, June 14, 2012


I silently move with a fluttering kick, lifting one arm after the other, as my mind drifts into a quiet prayer.  I think of myself, but soon the requests of others surface one by one.  As I intercede, they appear faster and faster until a torrent of needs inundates my attention. There is pain, there is sorrow, there is uncertainty, and there is doubt. There is potential unrealized, and wounds that have yet to heal. There are plans unraveled and closing doors. There is so much, and so much sin. The water flows past my face, welcoming me into its familiar arms. I love it there, but for one brief moment I feel it push against me as if the sorrows and pains of each friend have rushed down to suddenly drown me. I stop and sputter against this weight too great for me to bear. Oh God! I know You care, but this is so much from people so small.  Sinking down again, all I feel is Peace and the strength of His hand lifting me once more.  He knows.  Slowly I begin to move again, knowing it’s all in His hands.

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